The earlier you detect cancer the better your chance of effective treatment. This article lists some of the warning signs of cancer in both dogs and cats.

The earlier you detect cancer the better your chance of effective treatment. Below are some of the warning signs of cancer in both dogs and cats. Please understand that these are potential warning signs and should not panic you, but prompt a visit to see us.

Swollen lymph nodes: These “glands” are located all throughout the body but are most easily detected behind the jaw or behind the knee. When these lymph nodes are enlarged they can suggest a common form of cancer called lymphoma. A biopsy or cytology of these enlarged lymph nodes can aid in the diagnosis.

An enlarging or changing lump: Any lump on a pet that is rapidly growing or changing in texture or shape should have a biopsy.

When the “stomach” becomes rapidly enlarged, this may suggest a mass or tumor in the abdomen or it may indicate some bleeding that is occurring in this area. A radiograph or an ultrasound of the abdomen can be very useful.

Chronic weight loss: When a pet is losing weight and you have not put your pet on a diet, you should have your pet checked.

Chronic vomiting or diarrhea: Unexplained vomiting or diarrhea should prompt further investigation. Often tumors of the gastrointestinal tract can cause chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea.

Cough: A dry, non-productive cough in an older pet should prompt chest radiographs to be taken.

Lameness: Unexplained lameness especially in large or giant breed dogs is a very common sign of bone cancer.

Oral odor: Oral tumors can cause a pet to change its food preference (i.e. from hard to soft foods).