Name : Jordan Dick
Number of years in field : 2 years
Previous positions held within this field : None
Education or professional training : Student at St. Petersburg College for the Veterinary Technician Program. In school to become a CVT.

Volunteer work : Volunteer work at St. Francis Animal Rescue

Pets – Breed and names: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Nala; Rottweiler, Storm; Siberian Huskies, Akira and Bella; Chihuahua’s, Belle and Jose Cuervo

Hobbies : Hanging with friends and spending quality time with my family, going to a country bar for line dancing and having fun, and finally spending time outside in the sun

Favorite part of your job : Working with animals is my passion and I love to be around them, and it is a big plus to work with such amazing people who make my day brighter and make me laugh all the time

Who do you share your life with outside of work : Outside of work I share my life with my mom, dad, brother, and of course my pets; I also share my life with my best friend Autumn and my boyfriend Thomas.